Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Trip Down to Memory Lane

I've decided to do a series of posts on Vague's past shows. Before A Music Network #8 gig that we played a little over two weeks ago (see previous posts), Vague had only played 7 shows within the span of 16 months, which is a pathetically low number i admit.

The thing with Vague is like most other bands, all of us have full-time jobs and responsibilities and we don't get that many offers to play to be honest. Having said that, i can gladly say i am proud of every single show that we have played, no matter how bad we were. We actually wanted to be a part of those shows and got to play with bands that we liked. We would never play a show if we weren't confident and sure about it. 

Time is essential for us when it comes to songwriting. We need time to flesh out ideas and polish them, to dismantle and to re-construct them the way we want it to be. It's fun to play a song differently just to see how it feels. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Vague started as a bunch of people learning how to play instruments by jamming together in a tiny studio. And up until now, I still think that the 'magic' happens when we are all in the studio trying to figure things out. Besides, i don't see any point on playing shows week after week performing the same songs. That would just cheapen the experience. 

Coming up are a series of retrospective posts on Vague's previous shows with flyers, anecdotes, pictures, videos, etc. It's always interesting to look back on some of the things that we have done and how we did them initially. Each show was truly a learning experience. I learned how to deal with different amps, Jan learned to always bring extra drum sticks, etc. They are small things that could prove to be decisive when things don't go your way. It will be a good reminder of where we came from and hopefully keep us humble.

Well, that was a lengthy post.

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